1;蚂蚁皮具厂是一家集产品开发,规模生产,销售于一体的皮具生产企业. 2;公司2005年始创于广东肇庆. 3;主要生产各式休闲包、宠物包、电脑包、公文包等系列产品。 4;产品用料考究,工艺精良,选料名贵大方,做工精细,质优价廉。 5;公司实行严格的企业化管理,工艺质量精益求精,具有较强的竞争力。 6;诚挚为合作伙伴精心设计,生产各式箱包,礼品。 7;欢迎来人来电来洽谈,将衷心乐意与你携手合作、共展宏图! 企业文化:团队精明、科学管理、客至我荣、不断进取. 企业目标:优质、创新. 企业宗旨:诚实守信 企业精神:凝聚、互励、博纳 企业邮箱:c369888@163.com 1; The ant leather factory is a set of product development, production, sales in the integration of leather production enterprise. 2; The company was established in 2005 s zhaoqing. 3; The main production various recreation bag, pet bag, computer bag, briefcase, etc. Series of products. 4; Products with makings fastidious, sophisticated technology, chooses the material rare generous, fine workmanship, high quality and reasonable price. 5; The company implements the strict enterprise management, the quality of the process, with strong competitiveness. 6; Sincere for partners elaborate design, produce all kinds of bags, gift. 7; Welcome calls to negotiate, will sincerely willing to work together with you, a total exhibition!
Enterprise culture: the team shrewd, scientific management, the guest to my honor and continuous improvement. Enterprisetarget: quality, and innovation. Enterprisemission: to be honest EnterpriseSpirit:condensed refer boehner Enterprise email: c369888@163.com